The boiled for its estimators is one of the meat dishes that you absolutely can not do without, just as you can not (and should not) do without to accompany it with mustard and sauces, first of all the green sauce, of which today we will give you the recipe and some useful preparation tips.

Parsley: choose it and clean it!

The protagonist of the green sauce is the parsley, which must be purchased absolutely fresh:

When using it, remove the stems and the larger parts from the parsley, rinse it under running water, and then carefully dry it with absorbent paper or a clean cloth.

After that, our advice is to chop finely with the crescent, as did our grandmothers: if you do not have or are not patient, the mixer is fine, provided you are careful not to create a pulp.

Which capers to buy?

As a general advice, it is worth buying PGI products (Protected Geographical Indication) and, as far as capers are concerned, the best are those of Pantelleria, not by chance the most famous ones:

Once drained and squeezed they will be ready for our recipe!

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