It is one of the most famous condiments in the world, rich and tasty, capable of making any type of pasta a real delight: it is Bolognese sauce, of which today we will give you the original recipe and all the useful tips to make it perfect.

Some advice on tools.

Put aside all the latest generation appliances … For this recipe you will only need:

Cooking tips.

The secret to the perfect Bolognese sauce is sautéed: remember that meats and vegetables have different browning times, and should be added to the pan at different times.

To avoid rediscovery with burnt meat and raw vegetables, first sauté the vegetables for about 10 minutes and then add the meat.


Do not forget that:

We leave you with one last recommendation: Bolognese sauce must never boil, but “simmer” over a very slow fire, for at least 2 hours … Put aside the rush and enjoy our recipe!

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